kayak kayaking maine paddling

Paddling to Islesboro

May 15, 2008

On days like that, Islesboro seems close, almost within reach, as if on the opposite shore of a tranquil river, as if you could step into a rowboat, take a few lazy strokes, and glide ashore on the other side.

Despite a light breeze, the bay was as tranquil and glassy as a mill pond. The hilly profile of the island was colored with the fresh green of spring.

I’d made the two-mile crossing from Saturday Cove to Islesboro many times before, but only a few times on water as unrippled as that. The one mile crossing to Seal Island took just 10 minutes — the silkiness of the water punctuated only by the occasional surfacings of seals and the landings of loons and eiders. After tracing the rocky western shoreline of Seal Island, I continued north and crossed to little Ram Island. There I went ashore and walked the island’s piney paths before heading back south to aptly named Flat Island — a sandy, low island that was noisy with seals and gulls. Then I turned east into Crow Cove and The Narrows — a part of Islesboro that is less than 100 feet wide at the highest of tides.

I hope to return soon — to portage across to the other side of Islesboro and then paddle further eastward to explore the island-filled bay beyond.