kayak kayaking maine paddling race

Point 65 Rocker Rocks

One of the best parts of my job (“job” is a euphemism here), is paddling new boats. Me taking a new kayak out on the water for the first time is a lot like Christmas morning for my kids. The Point 65 Crunch Rocker did not disappoint. Paddling the Rocker out in Belfast Harbor on Monday (1 knot tidal current, 10 – 15 knot wind, slight chop), I was impressed by the speed and tracking of this boat. No matter which direction I pointed it, the Crunch Rocker held course.

The Crunch Rocker is actually the poky little sister of the Crunch Rocket. But poky it is not. In fact with its narrow beam, fine ends, v-ed hull, and sculpted deck it is the sleekest, sharpest polyethylene kayak I have seen. Put that together with its extended waterline and moderate rocker and it may also be the fastest. Very easy to set on edge, the Rocker turns well once leaned and is thus a great boat for rivers as well as for ocean paddling.

Which gets me thinking that the record time for the touring/rec category on the Kenduskeag River could fall next spring. Rocket or Rocker? Hmmm . . . I’m not sure it’s even fair to to put the Rocker and Rocket in the same category as conventional plastic touring boats. But then again, there is nothing in the category rules that states that a rec/touring boat has to be rounded, blunt, slow, and beamy. More on the Crunch Rocker here.