Maine rivers paddling whitewater

Maine Whitewater Season Begins March 27

Early rains and early snow melt make for an early whitewater paddling season. Paddlers have been out on the St. George River, the Passagassawakeag River, and the Marsh Stream, among others.

The first whitewater race of the season is the annual YMCA-sponsored St. George River Race on Saturday, March 27. The full race schedule, which continues on through the spring and summer, is now up on the MaCKRO website. Those who catch the fever can race just about every week until October.

Whitewater racing (and especially early season whitewater racing) may not be for everyone. However, as Waldo County YMCA director Dale Cross states in a recent BDN article, the first two races of the season are among the easiest — and they help prepare paddlers for more challenging races later in the season. And newcomers needn’t be intimidated by the term “race” as it only loosely applies to the experience of many who participate in these events. For many paddlers, these “races” are an opportunity to get out on the water, have fun, and hang out with other paddlers — and maybe get a new t-shirt in the bargain.

Having at least a little paddling experience doesn’t hurt. Having a wetsuit and neoprene gloves doesn’t hurt either. Many of the more experienced paddlers shun wetsuits, however. Cold water is a concern — but often the heat of the race helps paddlers compensate for that. Many of those who have paddled the Kenduskeag Stream race on a 50-degree April day state that by the time they reached Six-Mile Falls, they were so overheated, the thought of a swim was actually quite enticing.

The MaCKRO forum is a great place for aspiring paddlers and racers to ask questions, find paddling buddies, borrow equipment, and more.

See you on the river!


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