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Some Like it Rough: New Book on Rough Water Paddling

Alex Matthews’ new book, Sea Kayaking Rough Waters, is intended for those who end up paddling in tough conditions either by design or by chance. Either way, it will help you improve your confidence, your ability, and — hopefully your enjoyment — of kayaking in challenging conditions. The book is highlighted by awesome photos that just make you want to get out there.

Among other things, the book includes a section on the High Brace Lean Turn, a stroke I have not seen described in many other places. Other information new to me included “The Rule of Thirds” — a method of determining tidal currents at different stages of the tide cycle. (O% at slack, 50% at 1 hour after slack, 90% at two hours after slack, and 100% at 3 hours after slack).

Following is an excerpt from a section on landing in surf: “Once you’ve made the decision to go, you really have two options. You can ride a wave right into shore. This means following on the heels of the last wave of a set. To chase a wave in, you’ll let the last wave of a set pass and then sprint in behind it all the way into shore. If timed correctly, this approach negates the need to control a dynamic surf ride, or at least it will allow you to avoid the worst of the impact zone . . .”

Sea Kayaking Rough Waters and other books from Heliconia Press area can be purchased online from our website.