Local Resources
–Basin Pond Trail Map — (multi-use trails, town of Monroe)
–Northern Pond — Map & Info.
Resources for Paddlers:
–Waterlines Sea Kayak Journal (our blog)
Maps & Charts
–NOAA Booklet Charts (free printable online charts of U.S. coastlines & the Great Lakes
–Google Maps
–SeaClear II (free downloadable PC Chart plotter and GPS Navigation software
Kayaking Safety & Gear
–Downloadable / Printer-friendly Checklists (PDF’s):
–Equipment Checklist
-Equipment Checklist for Guides & Trip Leaders
-Equipment Checklist for Groups & Clubs
-Float Plan
What to Look for when Buying a Sea Kayak & Gear
–Todd Leigh’s Sea Kayaking FAQ–
–Choosing a Paddle — What to Look for
-Choosing a Paddle: Length
-Choosing a Paddle: Feather Angle
-Choosing a Paddle: Blade Shape
-Video: Why bulkheads are important.
Where to Paddle
–Waterlines Sea Kayak Journal
–Meandering Machias Bay (video)
–Muscle Ridge Archipelago, Maine (video)-
–Owls Head, Maine (video)
-Dead River, Maine (video)
-Union River, Maine (video)–
–Hurricane Island from Ca-mden Harbor — A Slideshow–
–Waterways Paddle Trip Exchange: Lists canoe and kayak trips nationwide.
Sea Kayaking Technique
–Paddle Float Assisted Re-entry & Roll
-Video: Eskimo Roll
–Video: Paddle Float Self-Rescue–
–Video: Re-entry and Roll–
–Video: Hand of God & T-Rescue
Kayak Maintenance
Sea Kayaking Online Community
Weather & Tides
–Gulf of Maine Sea Conditions
Buyers Guide & Reviews
Midcoast Maine Local Links
–Jeweled Turret Inn (A Belfast, Maine Bed & Breakfast)
–Belfast, Maine Chamber of Commerce
–Limina Renewal Center