Spending time outdoors is almost always better than you think it will be . That’s one of the takeaways from our experience in completing the Basin Pond Challenge. To read more about what we’ve learned, see “Almost Always Better than You Think” Ray’s first self-published story on Medium. To learn more about the challenge and to view photos of our adventures, see The Basin Pond Challenge overview page on this blog.
The adage about New England weather and ” . . . wait a minute” has never been more true than in the past month. What we haven’t had is a solid week in which we could do any one activity. What we do have is a entryway stacked with gear — ice bikes, fat bikes, plus bikes, skate skis, back country skis, ice skates — yup we’ve used ’em all, often not more than a day apart. The bottom line is we’re grateful to have a variety of gear that allows us to get out and enjoy in such a variety of conditions. We’re still looking for our first visitors to try out our new user-friendly back country skis (aka “ski shoes.”) Watch for a few inches of new snow, and then give us a shout.